Category Archives: Events
vBSDcon 2015 Recap
Date published: October 5th, 2015
Posted in Announcements, Events, FreeBSD, RootBSD | No Comments »
Wow – Verisign gets HUGE props from RootBSD for vBSDcon 2015
Marketers: want a clinic in how to roll out the red carpet and run a technical event like a Rolex? Go to the next one.
BSD hackers: if you missed it, you missed a 5-star event – but don’t worry too much – they rocked the cameras and all the talks are on YouTube
Instead of a long written blog, we’re going to let our pics, tweets and retweets do the talking.
Look carefully – you might find a special hosting offer in here 🙂
@freebsdfndation hosts and helps pay for for people to get to lots of conferences #vbsdcon
— RootBSD (@RootBSD) September 12, 2015
ZFS and virtualization BOF session with @michaeldexter and @allanjude at — Kyle Kneisl (@KyleKneisl) September 13, 2015
@NLnetLabs takes stage to present getdns
— RootBSD (@RootBSD) September 13, 2015
Saw ‘best photo bomb ever’ on fb and decided to improve it #vBSDcon
— RootBSD (@RootBSD) September 13, 2015
vBSDcon 2013 Wrap Up
Date published: October 28th, 2013
Posted in Events | No Comments »
Several members of the RootBSD team enjoyed attending the first vBSDcon event which was held in Dulles, VA this past weekend. vBSDcon was the first BSD conference organized and hosted by Verisign. We were delighted to be able to both attend and sponsor this event.
We would like to acknowledge and thank Verisign and their vBSDcon team for all of the hard work they put in planning and running the conference. Thanks to their hard work, the event attracted attendees and speakers from all over the world. The conference was very well organized with top of the line facilities, meals, refreshments and drinks. The schedule was clear, with enough time for both structured events as well as socializing.
We met people who were both brand new to FreeBSD, as well as many hardcore developers who have been involved since the “early days” of FreeBSD ~20 years ago. Presentations were given on various topics in the FreeBSD community such as LLVM/Clang, pkgng, bsdconfig, and much more. The “Birds of a Feather” timeslot allowed everyone to split into a smaller group to focus on specialty topics such as Bhyve/virtualization, ZFS and privacy.
Overall, everyone seemed to have a great time at vBSDcon 2013 and we hope Verisign will be continuing with vBSDcon 2013 as an annual event 🙂